
Hetalia Hearts 5

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Hetalia Hearts 5
Japan looked at his friends as they slept, for there was nothing else he could do for now but keep watch. He kept the bow Ireland made him around his shoulders and the arrows in the quiver on his back. Greece woke up quickly, (Which doesn't happen often) and looked to Japan.
"I've got the watch from here."
"No, that isn't necessary, I am fine."
"Would you rather I wake up Ireland?" Greece said nodding to the red head.
Japan shook his head. "I'm fine, there's no need."
Greece was utterly tempted to go back to sleep but he didn't just want to leave Japan alone like that all night. He came over and sat next to him. Quiet ensued between the two and soon the sun began to rise. Just as it peeked over the horizon, Ireland stretched and yawned. Suddenly music could be heard from the surrounding forest. Trumpets blared, drums beat, and loud cheers could be heard.
"What is that?" Japan asked, standing up.
Ireland shrugged and, feeling more hyper than ever, ran into the woods around them.
Japan stood. "IRELAND! WAIT!" he yelled but she had not listened and kept going. Japan sighed and looked over to Greece, who was sleeping even with the noise all around.
"Greece-san! Let's go!"
"Kitty?" Greece opened his eyes, still sleepy. "What...."
"You can't catch me! You can't catch me!" Ireland called as she ran away from Japan, she felt like a little kid. Hell, ever since her 'brother' had found her and took her in she hadn't done anything like this. England was always too busy with the damn Vikings...then with his own pirating, and eventually America.
Japan noticed Ireland's sudden child-like mood; but didn't seem to follow it. "IRELAND-CHAN! Please! This is not the time! There could be something dangerous out there!" Japan called back as he helped Greece get up.
"WOOOHOOOO!" She called too busy being bi polar to hear what he said. She was technically adopted by England but never really cared to think of America as a brother because she loved him as something more. She blew a raspberry back at the bewildered Asian nation.
She kept running forward and you could only hear Japan cursing at her in Japanese under his breath as he and Greece advanced. Seeing as the other two were gaining on her, she grabbed the lowest branch on the nearest tree and swung up out of view. Japan cursed once again. What had gotten Ireland in such a mood? Then again, this was a strange area. Maybe it was some magic thing? But if so why didn't it affect him…?
As the two passed she popped from the tree hanging from it by her legs, arms hanging uselessly by her sides as she began to sing.
"Wait! What's your rush? What's your hurry? You gave me such a-fright!" She used Japan's head as a spring as she catapulted from the tree and ahead of them. "Thought you was a ghost!" Another raspberry.
Japan stood in place stunned. It was something. But what? "Wait...Ireland!" Japan turned, scared out of his wits.
Alfred ran through the thick trees, Mattie on his back still bleeding and breathing shallowly. Alfred ran until he came to a shore the water separating him from what looked like a main land. His heart sank. He knew he couldn't swim that with Mattie on his back and make it to shore alive. He let his grip loosen from around Canada's legs and laid him down as he tried to think of a plan.
Canada moaned to himself, grabbing his side which was still giving out blood, but ounces less than before. America was standing beside him, staring out at an island. He suddenly snapped out of it and crouched next to his brother, ripping the bottom of his T-Shirt to give him a bandage.
"Sorry," Alfred said sticking it to his brother's forehead and putting a stopper in the bleeding for the time being. "Just trying to figure out what to do."
"Huh? What was that?" America said turning his head back with a slightly odd smile.
"Nothing, nothing." Canada said waving him off
America shrugged and walked toward the water, letting the waves flow over his boots. He suddenly placed his hand on his stomach which growled.
Canada noticed it and started to get hungry himself.
"You hungry?" Canada nodded weakly, not wanting to give himself a headache as he already felt rather dizzy.
America smiled oddly and the next was the shore of the beach was covered in candy and lunch meat.
England, keeping close to Elizabeth to make sure France didn't pull any tricks, France, and Elizabeth walked into a small building. The only light came from the windows on either side. "William?" Elizabeth called, her voice bouncing off the walls and returning back to the three standing in the door.
"He's a blacksmith?" England asked, examining a sword that was at his feet. "Beautiful work..." he muttered, moving the sword around to look closer at its design. His eyes widened a bit as he saw liquid on the end. He lifted the sword off the ground as he inspected it.
"William?" She called again, her voice slightly lined with worry.
"Villiam~!" France and Elizabeth walked deeper into the large warehouse sized room, searching for the man.
"Blood..." England muttered, lowering the sword. "And it was just lying in the middle of the floor..."
His voice trembled a bit. "E-Elizabeth?"
She turned the worry now evident in face "What?" She seemed almost afraid to ask.
"Is this Williams sword?" Elizabeth put her hand to her throat, noticing the blood on the sword.
"No. I-I've never seen it before." She bit her lip and her hand visibly shook. France was about to put a hand around her shoulder but was instantly stopped by a quick glare from England.
England asked her one last question. "Er...did he have...any enemies?" Elizabeth had covered her eyes now, knowing what he meant.
She thought about it for a moment. "Y-yes. A-and I think I know where to find him." She lifted her eyes from hand. It seemed for the moment all sanity was gone.
She grabbed both by the hand and led them out of the shop. She stopped, took a breath, and walked off without a backwards glance. She gulped as they walked into the seedier part of town and stopped in front of a bar. Loud noises of the rowdy occupants could be heard. She walked in and stopped at a table near the back, occupied by a man with a gray beard and a young man with black hair and a three cornered hat, who examined a compass with what seemed like deep interest.
"Where is Will?" she immediately demanded. But they all ignored her.
The man with the hat then bowed and took it off. "Ahh, Ms. Swan and to what do I owe this pleasure?"
"Oh, don't play stupid with me. Where. Is. Will." She tapped his chest with her finer on each word.
He then sat back down tipped his hat over his eyes and leaned the chair back. "I assure you I've seen neither hide nor hair of the boy for a week now. Why?"
"He's missing and we're looking for him" She said, nervously gesturing back to the two. She rubbed her arm biting her lip. Jack put an arm around her which she immediately shook off.
"Don't touch me!" She yelled through gritted teeth. She took the sword out of the sheath she had strapped around her hips. "Is this your sword?" she said throwing it to the ground at his feet.
"Watch it there love. Almost hit my foot. Yes, it's my sword. What? Is it now a crime to have swords? Especially one made by Will?"
"Look at the tip." She commanded
He sneered, and pulled the hilt. "Blood." He said after sniffing it.
Hungary stiffened, feeling China do the same as a soft crunch of snow came out from behind them. Like in all movies, they both slowly started to turn around. And when they did they saw a pair of black boots sticking out from under a long, black...coat. And when they looked up higher a pair of eyes stared down at them, a big grin forming on their face.
"Heh. Yo, Lux. Guess what I found?"
A few seconds later a black and purple portal formed next to him and when it dissapeared another figure in a black coat with his hood on was left standing.
"Eh...this is bad, right aru?"
"Y- Yes."
The new figure, 'Lux' as the other put it, grabbed China by the arm roughly Making him wince in pain. The newer one grabbed Hungary and slowly pulled them towards the portal. Hungary struggled to get her wrist free but the man had a tight grip on her.
"LEGGO DAMMIT!" she hollered, as China started to curse in Chinese and he kicked the "Lux" guy who didn't wince a bit. But China sure did.
They entered the portal and it shrank into a tiny dot until it completely disappeared, leaving the snowy mountain with some blood on them.
"WHOAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! It's like, SO pretty! I totally need to re-make my garden like this!" Poland replied, the second he saw the large area behind the colossal white doors. Lithuania's mouth almost fell to the ground. A large white coliseum stood in the middle of a large, bright green lawn. The two looked around for a moment at the empty stands and slowly walked until they were dead center in the large opening. "HHHHHEEEEEEEELLLLLLLLLOOOOOOO!" Poland yelled as Lithuania covered his ears. The sound echoed eerily.
"YO! LIKE, ANYONE HERE?" Poland hollered again.
"" the echo once again came back with no response.
"Um, Poland? I really don't think-"
Suddenly another echo came out.
The two cringed slightly and looked to an opening at the left side of the Coliseum. They both backed up a step and then Poland advanced three.
"Liet...look....ITS GOAT OMG!"
I'm not a goat." He said annoyed. "I'm a syter."
"Aww, look at the little goat!"
"Watch it pal." He hissed, his face visibly turning red.
"Can I pet you?" He said running up to pat the creature on the head.
"I'm not a pet, three words for ya, My Name Is Phil."
"Isn't that, like, four?" Poland asked as he placed his hand on the top of his head. "OMG you're sooo soft!"
"Don't touch me!" the "sytar" yelled, pushing Poland's hand off. As they were doing that, Lithuania almost fainted. Not only did it look like a sytar, it talked.
Lithuania gulped as another voice was heard. "Phil? Phil, you here?" A boy, maybe twenty at eldest, appeared from the same opening.
"Yeah, I'm here Herc. You know these guys?"
The man called 'Herc' entered the area and looked straight at Lithuania, then gazed at Poland who was poking Phil in the face.
"Nope. You guys here for the tournament?"
"Tournament?!" Poland paused to look at Herc "What tournament?"
He laughed a bit. "You don't know? Isn't that why you came to Greece, for the Olympics?"
"Olympics?" Poland's face went sad. "Aw, like running?"
"No, sword fighting,"
"Crap" Lithuania thought, turning to Poland. "Poland don't-"
"Aaaai," Lithuania face-palmed, too late again.
"Great then, would you like practice?" He said, grabbing two swords and throwing them to Poland and Lithuania before grabbing one for himself.
"No thank-"
And, with much force from Poland, the two got into position across from Herc. "Alright Herc, remember, this is just a practice. But give it your all and be careful not to kill them." Lit gulped.
"Yo, let's go all Grunewald on him, k?" Poland replied, getting into a fighting stance with his sword.
Lithuania looked at Herc, and his visibly enormous strength. He gulped again, until he heard Poland, who seemed to get more serious. "Yes, good idea," Lithuania moved a few feet away from Poland and also held his sword up.
"Pff, begginers," the satyr replied, loud enough for Lithuania to hear him.
"Begginers my ass," Lithuania growled under gritted teeth.
"Hey, hey, hey," The satyr cut in. "Were gonna have kids watchin'. Two words. Watch the Language."
Lithuania rolled his eyes. "Once again, that's three words."
Switzerland grabbed the ledge to begin scaling the side of the waterfall, The roar of the water becoming deafening as he got closer to it. He was about to take another step when the dirt under him lost its strength, and went straight into the river.
Switzerland lost his balance and fell in right after it.
Now he was rushing to the waterfall in the rivers strong current.
And about to go down it.
He resurfaced, gasping for air and clawing at the water around him. He grabbed on to a rock on the side of the riverbank, coughing and sputtering. "Dammit!" He yelled over the spray of the water. His guns were gone, probably lost somewhere in the water. But then again he couldn't remember if he had them when he left the tower. He crawled farther onto the rock, dripping like a wet dog. she stopped and took long breaths, thankful he survived the fall. After a few minutes he had the strength to stand. As he was getting up, he felt a pain to his hip. He felt the area the pain came from to grab a hold of a hilt of his knife.
"Better than nothing..." he twirled the knife in hand.
He pushed his wet hair out of his eyes and clambered to solid ground. He started at the base of the waterfall and began climbing upwards again. As he got higher up he would plant the knife into the rock in order to keep from falling again. But the higher he went the harder it was to go. He was usually used to work like this but for some reason he felt weaker and either way was more tired than usual.
Though it was a bit dangerous he shook his head to clear the pounding and continued on his way. He gulped and pushed on, refusing to let himself become tired after only a little while. A few minutes later he had gained many feet, and when he paused to glance up it was only a little more to go.
He reached out to grab the next ledge, hand letting go of the knife momentarily. He grabbed the top of the cliff and pulled himself over, knife forgotten in the haste. "Dammit!" he turned around and was about to reach for it when it lost its hold in the dirt and fell. Switzerland watched it fall and the second it disappeared in the waterfall mist he got up and sighed.
He was now totally unprepared in God knows where and didn't know where the hell any of the others were. He shook his head and stood and brushed himself off before feeling dizzy and plopping to the ground. His head was throbbing badly now and he combed a hand through his hair, trying to ignore the pain and go on. He made himself stand but seconds later collapsed.
"Come on Romano, we need to get out of here."
"No way, you potato bastard!" He yelled, finding his mobility strictly limited as turned and crossed his arms.
Germany sighed. "Fine, then stay here," and with that he started moving his arms in the dark in front of him as he climbed up toward the crease of light.
"Hey! Watch it!" a voice yelled somewhere in the dark.
"Romano, I'm no where near you."
"I didn't SAY anything Potato sucker."
"HOLY CRAP!" Romano sped over and hung onto Germany. "I changed my mind! GOGOGOGOGOGOOO DAMMIT!"
Belarus in the nightmare before Christmas. I got this one. I'm listenin' to music from Sweeney Todd so I'm good to go. XD

Belarus pushed through the trees angrily, desperate to find her brother and get out of here. She passed a graveyard, an odd hill that curled instead of evening out on one side.
She then found him, walking almost dazedly and unsurely. Next to his foot was a fluttering white shape, it was see through and barked every so often. "Brother!" She called.
"Sis?" Belarus threw her arms around him, almost crying, almost.
"Brother!" she repeated as she buried her face into his chest. "How are we going to get out of here?" She asked, well, it was more like a demand than a question.
He somehow still retained his childlike smile. He put a large hand on her head. "Don't worry we will." He then gestured to the thing by his leg. "This is Zero da?" Belarus screamed at the ghost dog beside his foot and tried to cut through it but it was a fruitless endeavor. Russia just backed up and happily watched as she chased the dog with her knife.
© 2011 - 2024 Itsnotfrickengolf
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SweetYLemon's avatar
Will you continue this?